Monday, August 23, 2010

What Matters Most?

This was the first newsletter article that I wrote for the church I am currently serving at, FBC St. Clair, Missouri. I hope it provides some encouragement to those that are reading it.

I was reading this morning, and I came across a passage in Isaiah 40. It’s amazing how the Lord reminds me how our lives are incredibly fragile. In every way, our very existence depends upon the Lord (whether we realize it or not), because each breath is a gift from the Lord. Like Master Oogway (the turtle sage in the movie Kung Fu Panda) says, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the ‘present.’" In this respect I agree with the old turtle, because each moment we are given, on earth, by the Lord should be treasured
From here we have a choice to make . . . do we acknowledge that the Lord is in complete control of the things that happen in our lives – even down to the smallest detail; OR do we choose to ignore God in the equation and promote a self-centered focus. This is where it is crucial to put the focus on God, and not on ourselves, because the Lord is waiting for our attention before He moves before us in a mighty way.
The fact of the matter is, as the passage in Isaiah talks about, the beauty of the world will fade. There are no if(s), an(s), or but(s) about the fact that the world won’t last forever. . .but the Word of our God will. I hope and pray that you will take this to heart, because the things of this world won’t last; and as the old saying goes, “It doesn’t matter how many possessions you have in this life, because you can’t take them with you when you leave this earth.”
My prayer is that you would really focus on the Lord and evaluate your relationship with him, based on these couple of questions:
•What really matters most to you?
•In all seriousness, do we put more value in material things and earthly possessions?
•OR does God’s Word mean more to us than anything else?

It’s something to really think about.