Sometimes life just sucks. Plain and simple. I can totally relate to this, because as I sit at my desk typing this . . .my heart is in constant turmoil over the events of the last month or so. Way too much to put into words, but I guess this will be my best attempt at anything - so here it goes . . .
Pain in our personal lives is awful to go through, and it seems that when we are in the midst of that pain, we are completely alienated; alone in the world, separated from everyone and everything that we once loved and found joy in. It's ironic that when we are hurting so badly, that we feel that no one else could understand what we are going through. How little we really understand about suffering, pain, and affliction.
It was for our very souls that Christ came and died. It was a cruel, and heartless way that He was tortured and killed for all of our mess-ups - all of our faults. He bore the wrath of God upon His very shoulders, and never "called it quits" just because it was an incredibly difficult and painful journey to death. He could have taken the way out, just like everybody else around Him. He could have chose to get off with only minor charges against Him, if He only did what everyone else wanted Him to and gave into the peer pressure that surrounded Him daily. But He didn't.
The point is . . .despite how bad it seems that my life sucks, I've got it easy. So here I sit, in the middle of my "pile of ashes" like Job. There is a difference though, I will choose to praise God, the Father, through all of my hurt. He is much larger than my problems, and worthy of my praise. Besides, I wouldn't have anybody else in my corner, fighting for me, right now.