Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All things bright and beautiful

     It's funny how something as simple as a photograph can catch someone's eye. It can capture a moment in time, and allow us to cherish it forever.

     Recently, I have taken up the hobby of photography, and I would have to say that I enjoy every aspect of it. Making sure that every detail is just perfect before I press click on the shutter. I think that this can translate into many areas of our lives, 

     Now, the great thing about a picture is that it reveals so much more than we would have thought about a particular moment. It can bring back memories, flooding into a person's mind - or it can make the world seem as though it has stopped spinning, even for the most brief of moments. I tell you about this, not to share the fact that I recently bought a new camera, to explore my hobby further . . . but to tell you a little bit about why I love the message of photography (at least the message to me). To me, photography is expressing the many things that God sees daily, in all of us. There is drama, passion, funny moments, sad times, devastating events, laughter, slow times, fast days, and in the midst of it all . . . it's gone, as fast as you can snap your fingers. If we miss it, then we miss it . . .but really, I think it is a conviction from the heart of God, that we all might slow down and enjoy the small things in life - every simple detail.

     You know, in Genesis it talks about how God created the heavens and the Earth. He put so much detail, even into the smallest things, that we might see Him and know His love for us. He created a masterpiece that we could stare at, every single day that we are here on this wonderful planet. He loved us that much, to put the effort into the smallest of things that we might enjoy it, and praise Him with how we live. 

     I was talking to my best friend about this, just the other day and my conversation with him wasn't too much different. I was doing my best to encourage him in being strong at his particular workplace, amidst all the issues going on, but at the same time (and i truly believe it is a good word for all of us), we need to do the small things correctly. It says in the New Testament, that "if we are entrusted with little and we do well with it, then we will be entrusted with much" (paraphrased). 

I say all of this to tell you a few things I have learned about photography, and life (as it may be):

1) Slow down - If you're running a thousand miles an hour, then you'll miss the best opportunities to laugh with people, talk about good times, and enjoy the friendships that God has given to you. You can only put the puzzle of life together one piece at a time, so don't try to sprint ahead with both hands flaring . . .take your time and make sure things are done right.

2) Enjoy the details - Life only happens once, and you might as well soak it up while it's here.

3) Smile - Nobody really likes to be around someone that's grumpy or sad all of the time.

4) Don't be afraid to tell the truth - In reality, life's too short to do anything short of being honest, period.


5) Praise the Lord for all He has given for you - Kind of self-explanatory, but it's exactly like my grandmother taught me . . ."it's always better for you to use manners, because you don't look as dumb as the other people that don't."

In all reality, this list should be done in the exact reverse of what I typed it up to be, but I'll leave the ordering up to you. If you read this far, you're probably smart enough to figure out the rest.

God bless my friends . . .