Monday, September 7, 2015

The Prodigal Son

Here's a brief set of notes from 9/6/15's message about the Parable of the Prodigal Son:

  • The prodigal son basically said "I wish you were dead" to his father.
  • Rich to broke
  • Broke to in desperate need
  • Lived among pigs --> the unclean of unclean animals
  • Finally comes to his senses and realizes what he did to his father
  • Goes home
  • Father forgives without needing any explanation
    • He was on the lookout for his son all along
  • Given what he didn't deserve
    • Clothes
    • Restored in the family (given a ring on his hand)
    • Party thrown in his honor

Here's the "take away" from the whole story:

This is really a story about God and us, not just a father and his son.

  • God is always waiting for us to come back to Him, despite what we have done in the past
1) God has me in a season for a reason, and its for my good.
2) There's a struggle in every season.
3) Learn from every season, under God's direction.
4) Share God's love with those around you, because you know where you've been and where you've been brought to.

I know this is just a summary of my notes from a talk with the youth, but it's a good reminder for us all and hopefully this is a call for us all to Live life Differently