So . . .I'm sitting at work, thinking about the list that we were to compile about the 10 most important things in our lives. I am reminded that I won't have these things forever, and I thought it would be good to let you know what I think is important (in my life). Here is that list, in case you were wondering (And yes, it is in random order, just because I can):
# 3 - My Friends
I have absolutely no idea where I would be in my life without the A-M-A-ZING people that mean so much to me. There have been so many times that I have been able to laugh, smile, and have the best of times around each one of you. My heart is overjoyed when I think of each individual person that has graced my life with their friendship. How thankful that I am to know each person in my life, as well as I do, because friendship is something that I have never taken very lightly. I know there are lots of days when I am not at the peak of my friendliness, but I would more than be overjoyed to sit and listen to ANYTHING that you have or want to say. If I had anything that I would want to tell people, it would be to come and sit a while . . . and simply talk. I would love to listen to your stories about life, however tough, amazing, sorrowful, or joyous that it has been for you. In all of that, I was saying this . . .
"Thank you for being my friend. Yes, to each of you that is reading this. I can't thank you for all the smiles, the hugs, the words of encouragement, the love, and - sometimes - the swift kick in the butt (when I needed it). We have been through so much together, and I think those of you will know who you are. You remind me of who I am, and the man that I want to be. I simply don't know where I would be without the reminder of your friendship that is brought new each morning. Thanks for being there - through all the times that I thought I could do it on my own and whatnot. I am truly blessed! If all I know was taken from me, I would be blessed for having your friendship in my life. I couldn't ever say it enough . . . . . . Thank You!"
With all that said, here's a little side note:
To love, to live. . . was the purpose we were given when we were created. Our conception was no mistake . . . and we must live in a manner that is worthy of that calling. As simple as it is, it's very hard for each of us to do, consistently, on a daily basis. Love, laugh, live . . . that's the saying that I have seen all over the internet, especially on girls' facebooks!!! As funny as it may seem, there is an inherent truth to the matter. Created to love, living to love, dying for love - that's what my Savior did. This is the calling I was given when I was born.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Stop yo' High Horse . . . and Wait!
So many times, we get caught up in the things that don't truly matter in life. Think about it, there are tons of things in our culture that draw our attention away from the Lord - music, celebrities, sports, class, among other things. When we reflect back on those things, there should be no legitimate reason that we focus so heavily on those things. Other than the fact that we, as humans, have our own agendas in mind . . . there are many times in life when we are too impatient to really know that waiting, in some instances, is the best thing for us - in those certain moments.
In Psalms 37, King David shares some practical insight into this situation of waiting (vv. 1-7). I'll let you read it for yourself, and see what you think:
In Psalms 37, King David shares some practical insight into this situation of waiting (vv. 1-7). I'll let you read it for yourself, and see what you think:
Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers!
For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.
Trust in the Lord, do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourselves over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!
For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.
Trust in the Lord, do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourselves over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!
Ok, I admit it. I made some emphasis on certain words, but this is the true message of these verse - the true message that King David was trying to get across. I truly believe that King David said these words to motivate the people to wait, in a time of great prosperity for the kingdom of Israel. Right at the time when Israel's borders were expanding and growing, the King called on his people . . . to wait.
You know, this really and truly relates to our lives as Christians. As our "borders" are expanding well into new areas, and our lives are growing and prospering; God calls us to wait on Him. We should trust that the Lord has a plan for our lives. It even says in verse 3 to, "Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness." When we truly trust in the Lord, in all the areas of our lives, the Lord promises to bless us with the "desires of our hearts." This promise is so much more than just the physical or relationship aspect of our hearts, because God, in His ultimate wisdom . . . knows us better than we know ourselves! Think about it! Why do we get one thing, when we "expect" to get something completely different? I truly and honestly believe, with all my heart, that God knows each of our hearts more intimately than our friends, parents, acquaintances, and peers ever could! God knows all and sees all, even beyond all the hype and circumstances that make us want something other than the things that we truly need.
Take a moment and look around you. Wherever you are, just look around you. Look for the things that you value most, the things that you own and really treasure. Now, picture those things in your mind, and think about whether you really need those things to survive or not - My guess is that you don't.
It's amazing to think that God created us to survive on the most basic of things, but, essentially, they are the most important things in our lives; although they may not receive the thanks and praise that they are due. This may seem a little like fourth grade, but . . . What do you need to survive?
The challenge that is laid on my own heart, as I write this, is to learn to wait on the Lord . . . with everything that I have. It isn't good enough just for me to say that I am waiting on the Lord, but to actually do it; if the saying is true . . . to, "put my money where my mouth is." It's one thing for me to say that I wait on the Lord, and another thing to go out and make decisions that affect my life, towards a future that meets the expectations that I want for my own life. The difference between a want and a need, is that you don't really need what you want. In all reality, you need very little. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing to want things, but I think we should check out motives about why we want something. To evaluate the reasons that we want it, and if they don't line up with Biblical truths . . . then we don't really need it.
Even in the area of waiting, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. I'm as guilty of this as much as anyone else. The thing that we must do, from here on out, is to begin learning a pattern of trusting and waiting and to develop a sense what we truly need.
This is my prayer, that you might exceed in the knowledge of Lord, even more so than I have.
You know, this really and truly relates to our lives as Christians. As our "borders" are expanding well into new areas, and our lives are growing and prospering; God calls us to wait on Him. We should trust that the Lord has a plan for our lives. It even says in verse 3 to, "Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness." When we truly trust in the Lord, in all the areas of our lives, the Lord promises to bless us with the "desires of our hearts." This promise is so much more than just the physical or relationship aspect of our hearts, because God, in His ultimate wisdom . . . knows us better than we know ourselves! Think about it! Why do we get one thing, when we "expect" to get something completely different? I truly and honestly believe, with all my heart, that God knows each of our hearts more intimately than our friends, parents, acquaintances, and peers ever could! God knows all and sees all, even beyond all the hype and circumstances that make us want something other than the things that we truly need.
Take a moment and look around you. Wherever you are, just look around you. Look for the things that you value most, the things that you own and really treasure. Now, picture those things in your mind, and think about whether you really need those things to survive or not - My guess is that you don't.
It's amazing to think that God created us to survive on the most basic of things, but, essentially, they are the most important things in our lives; although they may not receive the thanks and praise that they are due. This may seem a little like fourth grade, but . . . What do you need to survive?
- Food
- Water
- Shelter and, most importantly,. . . . . .
- other people
The challenge that is laid on my own heart, as I write this, is to learn to wait on the Lord . . . with everything that I have. It isn't good enough just for me to say that I am waiting on the Lord, but to actually do it; if the saying is true . . . to, "put my money where my mouth is." It's one thing for me to say that I wait on the Lord, and another thing to go out and make decisions that affect my life, towards a future that meets the expectations that I want for my own life. The difference between a want and a need, is that you don't really need what you want. In all reality, you need very little. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing to want things, but I think we should check out motives about why we want something. To evaluate the reasons that we want it, and if they don't line up with Biblical truths . . . then we don't really need it.
Even in the area of waiting, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. I'm as guilty of this as much as anyone else. The thing that we must do, from here on out, is to begin learning a pattern of trusting and waiting and to develop a sense what we truly need.
This is my prayer, that you might exceed in the knowledge of Lord, even more so than I have.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Stormy seas on the horizon

I've been thinking a lot lately, and yesterday was one of those thinking days (especially in the Bible study I attend). It's been a rough semester for me, and I have done my fair share of failing and messing up all along the way. In the course of this semester, I have had my up and downs, highs and lows, and I have been reminded of why I am who I am. God has definitely blessed my life, in ways that I still don't understand, and put me into places where I have learned so much - even from my failures. He has given me so much grace and mercy, guiding me and leading me through ever moment of my life.
I realize, with some thinking at Bible Study last night, that my life is a lot like the story of Jonah. God has placed a supernatural calling on my life, and I have run from that calling for quite a while now. Reading back on my notes from last night, I can see so much resemblance in the life of Jonah and my own life. I have seen all the astounding, miraculous, and amazing things that God has continued to surround my life with; little reminders of the future He has in store for my life. Even with all the amazing things that God has done in my life, like Jonah, I have continued to run from that calling. All the while, God has been drawing my heart back to Him. . . steadily, patiently waiting for me to give up my fighting. I have fought God in so many ways that it is hard to even begin counting the things I have done to go as far away, from what I am called to do, as I can.
Last night was one of those nights, when God spoke to me and asked me one thing. One thing to completely blind side me, to lower all of my defenses, to penetrate deep into my heart. God called me out last night on the things I had been doing; it was straight-forward, blunt, and I definitely needed to hear it. See, God put up a literal roadblock in my path (just like He did with Jonah --> making the sea storm violently) so that I couldn't run away anymore. It was a good thing that He did though, because I have been so weary from running and the guilt of my unfaithfulness has haunted my every thought. God knew it. I knew it. And God was tired of it. I honestly believe that God spoke to me last night to just ask me a question: "What in the world are you doing, my son? Really. . . what in the heck are you doing?" I think it was all I could do at that moment not to burst into tears, but I knew that God was right.
I was like Jonah, asleep below deck while the sea was beyond violent around him - literally scaring the well-experienced sailors aboard the boat, to the point where they threw their cargo (their livelihood) overboard . . . afraid that they were going to die. I was just like that! I was asleep while God was creating a violent storm all around me . . .trying to get my attention . . . and what was I doing? Sleeping. Running from my purpose, blind to the things bigger than me. Boy did I feel naive!
I tell you this not for sympathy, but to serve as an example. I ask that you examine your own life. Are you running from God? Why? Why are you running? God always grabs the attention of those He loves . . . one way or another. Whether through a quiet whisper, or a booming, violent storm; God has His own ways of grabbing our attention. Would you rather run from God and face being wrapped up in your own desires (most likely ending up being miserable), or letting the God of the universe, who knows you best, make the most out of your existence? It's up to you, because only you can choose.
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